VDMX was one of the first programs I came across, while searching for a suitable software to start my work. It is basically a live video editing program. One of the great functions within VDMX is the ability to create your own layout, for what ever project you maybe using it for. The program also has a large range of effects, that you can add to the videos and control fully or link them up to the in coming sound.
Quartz Composer
After discovring VDMX I needed away to create my own visuals, to play within VDMX. Unlike creating motion graphics in a postproduction program. When you create them within Quartz composer. You are able to make a program around the visuals, which enables you to export functions from the program into VDMX, Where I can control what ever functions i have made for the visuals. through sound input or midi controls.