This is just an example of the set up i am going to use in my live a/v shows.
Breaking symmetry 0.2 (test)
This is me just playing around with some editing over the last month. I really want to start pushing my work in many directions as possible. Multimedia art in my eyes is very multi disciplined. so as well as developing my live show, i need to start making some short films. putting my editing skills back into the mix. massively inspired by the Pfadfinderei videos.
Breaking symmetry 0.1
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Breaking symmetry 0.1 came from a year of experimenting outside the realm of film, and instead spending a lot of my time exploring realtime generative software. Theses included such programs as Quartzs composer and Processing. The main reason i choose to do this was because i had become complacent with film, and did not really know what direction to go in. I have always battled with the narrative within film, and instead wanted to break my work down to its basic elements, light and sound. I did this by creating shapes that would combine with the sound to create an immersive environment for the audience. you can see examples of this at the bottom of the screen. I never really had a clear idea of where i was going to end up, but the main point was to keep making work.
One of the key moments of inspirations this year was when i went to venice for the biennale . I went there with the intention of looking closely at how they used the space around them, to involve the audience and show case there work. One of the major areas of discussion, was the use of film in the gallery. There seemed to be a large amount of narrative based films with in the biennale. The main problem with using narrative structured film, is that you come in at random parts, making it hard to understand the overall meaning. also people don't have the time to watch a film for over an hour in a gallery. The second idea that interested me most was that of multimedia paintings. I wanted to try and start using film as separate material. for attributes such as texture and movement, rather than in the constants of a narrative story.
Through experimenting with processing (a code based program), i was able to create a program that was able to represent the pattern formations of crowds. This was done in the form of sworming nodes, that where connected by lines. original this was going to be the stand alone film in the installation.
Through the use of VDMX I was then able to experiment with combining the processing footage with other footage i had taken of crowds in the centre of town.
With VDMX i was able to create structure within the film. each different layer within Breaking symmetry 0.1 is communicating with each other. The sound from the top layer is generating both the glitch effect in the middle, and the movement of the bottom layer. highlighting the meaning behind the film, which is the communication of information within networks of crowds.
was playing with some of the test lab footage last night in VDMX, and i came up with some nice effects.
New test with quartz 01 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo.
After building up my skills in quartz composer. I have been focusing alot of my time in trying to develop interactive visual environments. Here are a couple of my early experiments.
3D Environment 02 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
3D Environment 01 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
After doing more research into quartz composer, I have been able to create some simple programs that i can place into VDMX. The programs consist of simple shapes, where by i have created a function in quartz that controls for example the size of the shape. When in VDMX i am able to link these functions up to the in coming sound. To create snappy and sharp interactive visuals. The effects in VDMX can alsobe linked up to.
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Here is an example of some work i have been doing in VDMX. Using a movie made by rich in maya of a rotating mine, which you can see at the bottom of the three images. I started to use the mine as a kind of multi-media brush. By adding effects to the movie, which i am able to control. I was able to build up a picture of a rotating retina.
Moving away from post-production programs to make my visuals, I am now focusing on the live aspects of visuals. One of the main programs that I have started to use is VDMX. Which is a live video editing program, where by you can add effects to videos, and control the effects through a midi controller. Here is an early example of this at one of the house parties we had.
Retina test 01 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
This is some footage of me playing about, trying to use a different method of finding some interesting visuals.
Test lad 01 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
Test lad 01 from sean clarke on Vimeo.
When beginning my research into the aspects of live cinema, it soon became clear that I would need to develop my skills in multimedia programs. This is one of my first attempts at creating a flash animation with masks.
Untitled from sean clarke on Vimeo. My collage final major project (2008)
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